The mission of the ONA is to preserve the small-town charm and character of Old Naples, to maintain the integrity of our residential neighborhoods, and to promote the best interests of our residents. To accomplish this ONA works with our membership to identify issues that adversely affect our environment, our quality of life, and the preservation of our Community. We advocate at City Hall for the support of resident values and encourage our membership to work with their local government for the betterment of the Neighborhood. A City wide Vision Survey identified the top concerns of residents to be cleaning up our environment, including polluted waterways, lakes and our bay; addressing red tide, beach erosion, and over-development. Residents expressed the high value they put on a peaceful small town atmosphere and the preservation of our small town charm and character. We support redevelopment that is consistent with our Land Development Codes and Zoning Regulations. Managed growth prevents over-development that puts stress on our infrastructure, adversely affecting our environment and quality of life. ONA's initiatives are informed by the opinions and interests of our membership. Working productively and cooperatively with our City Management is central to our mission. .