- How do I learn more about the City or contact City officials? Please see our City Government page here or go directly to www.naplesgov.com. You can email all 7 City Councilors at once at citycouncil@naplesgov.com.

Is there a guide to all the important things to know about Naples? Yes, the City publishes an excellent guide book to all the best aspects of our city. You can find the excellent Citizen's Guide to the City of Naples (2015 edition) here. 
- Are my donations tax deductible? No. Although ONA is a non-profit, its advocacy work requires it to operate under 501(c)4 rules, which mean that donations are not deductible.

- Can I join ONA if I don’t live in or own residential property in, the Old Naples neighborhood? Yes! We have an Associate, nonvoting membership for those who do not currently reside in Old Naples or own residential property there. All the other membership benefits including email updates, RCC cards, reduced subscriptions to the Naples Daily News and social activities are included.

- What is the Old Naples neighborhood? Please see our Old Naples Boundaries page for a large map and description.

- Will ONA represent me in my interactions with the City? In general, no, ONA doesn’t act as a representative on individual issues. If the matter relates to our several initiatives, then we will be happy to meet with you, offer our perspectives, and in certain circumstances join you in interacting with City officials.

- What areas is ONA working on? We currently have committees that address Planning and Development, Air Traffic, Neighborhood and Environment. We also have a committee that looks after our Members and plans our social calendar. Please see our pages on our current initiatives for more details.

- Why isn’t ONA doing [ whatever I am concerned about ]? Probably because we are a volunteer organization that is thoroughly occupied! We depend on you to join in and pursue the issues that are of greatest concern to you. If you'd like to get involved and make a difference, please contact us at info@oldnaplesassociation.com.

- How do I volunteer? Please go to our pages on initiatives and contact the Committee chair to discuss your interests. If there’s nothing there that matches your interests, please contact us at info@oldnaplesassociation.com.

- How do I serve on the Board of Directors? We welcome new members to the Board and encourage you to think about serving in this way. In general, Board members will have already completed at least one year's service on one of the Committees, and will reside in Old Naples at least 6 months of the year. If you are interested in discussing this further, please contact the President at president@oldnaplesassociation.com for further information.
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